Rodolfo De Nadai

Create a glossary of Terms

Posted: 8 years ago

  • python
  • nltk
  • glossary
  • terms
  • knowledge
  • code
  • data

In my current job, we are building a Data Dictionary System, and one key requirement is to ensure that the names of tables and attributes maintain a certain level of consistency and correctness.

The Data Administration (D.A.) team already has a glossary in place, but they don’t fully trust it—and with good reason—since there are duplicated terms and conflicting definitions.

In a discussion with my manager, I suggested building a new glossary using words from our language (Portuguese, as we are based in Brazil) and creating a set of rules to guide this process.

We came up with a simple rule:

  • Terms should have a maximum of 4 letters;
  • Words with more than 4 letters should be truncated to the first 4;
  • Words with fewer than 4 letters should be used in full;

During the discussion, it was proposed that if a 4-letter term already exists, we should take the next letter from the word and create a new term. This sounds logical, but it can lead to some strange outcomes, especially when dealing with common words versus less familiar ones.

Im putting a translation here

DESCER => come down

DESCRICAO => Description


Notice that the first 4 letters of both words are DESC! "Description" is much more commonly used in tech than "come down." To solve this issue, we could use the FreqDist object from the NLTK library.

Here’s my implementation:

from unicodedata import normalize
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import codecs
import nltk
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import json

dicionario = set()
palavras = nltk.FreqDist()

stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('portuguese') + nltk.corpus.stopwords.words()
names = nltk.corpus.names.words()
names = [name.lower() for name in names]
stopwords = stopwords + names

def remover_non_alpha(text):
    """Remove all non alpha chars from our text"""
    text = ''.join([i for i in text if not i.isdigit()])
    text = ''.join(c for c in text if c.isalnum())
    return text

def remover_acentos(txt, codif='utf-8'):
    """Remove all accent from our text"""
    return normalize('NFKD', txt.decode(codif)).encode('ASCII','ignore')

def import_machado_words():
    """Import a FreqDist of all words (except stopwords) that exist in machado work"""
    machado_obras = nltk.corpus.machado.fileids()
    machado_texto = nltk.FreqDist()
    for i, text in enumerate(machado_obras):
        machado_texto += nltk.FreqDist(nltk.corpus.machado.words(machado_obras[i]))
    machado_texto = nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in machado_texto if w not in stopwords)
    return machado_texto

def import_macmorpho_words():
    """Same as above, but for MacMorpho set"""
    return nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in nltk.corpus.mac_morpho.words() if w not in stopwords)

def import_floresta_words():
    """Same as above, but for Floresta set"""
    return nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in nltk.corpus.floresta.words() if w not in stopwords)

def generate_word_list(filename):
    """Given a file, lets import all words in it and return a set"""
    palavras = set()
    with, 'r', 'utf-8') as dic:
        for word in dic:
            index = len(word)
            if '/' in word:
                index = word.index('/')
            if '-' not in word:
                word = word[:index].replace('\n', '').lower()
    return palavras

def generate_text(url):
    """Given a url, lets import all words (except stopwords) in it and return a FreqDist"""
        r = requests.get(url)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
            raw = soup.find('body').get_text().lower().replace('.', '')
            words = sorted(raw.split())
            words = nltk.FreqDist(remover_non_alpha(w.lower()) for w in words if w not in stopwords)
            return words
        return nltk.FreqDist()
    except:"Erro ao carregar url %s " % (url))

def run(dicionario, palavras):
    for pal in dicionario:
        if pal in palavras and len(pal) > 2:
            yield {remover_acentos(pal.encode('utf-8')): (pal, palavras[pal])}

def varre_final_dict(key, final_dic):
    return True if key in final_dic.keys() else False

def get_valid_glossary(key, final_dic):
    # Get the term from the key
    sort_key = key[0:4]
    return sort_key

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Import all words from these 2 files
    dicionario |= generate_word_list('pt-BR.dic')
    dicionario |= generate_word_list('palavras.txt')
    dicionario = set(w.lower() for w in dicionario if w not in stopwords)

    palavras += import_machado_words()
    palavras += import_macmorpho_words()
    palavras += import_floresta_words()


    # IDG NOW
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    print('IDG NOW DOWNLOADED!!')

    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('') palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')
    palavras += generate_text('')

    for i in xrange(0, 100):
        palavras += generate_text('' % (str(i)))

    # Generate a list with all words that appears in the FreqDist set
    new_dict = list(run(dicionario, palavras))
    new_dict.sort(key = lambda s: s.keys()[0]) # sorts normally by alphabetical order
    new_dict.sort(key = lambda s: s.values()[0][1], reverse=True) # sorts by freq
    new_dict.sort(key = lambda s: len(s.keys()[0]), reverse=False) # sorts by descending length

    final_dic = dict()
    # For each word in the dict
    for w in new_dict[0:2000]:
        value = w.values()[0]
        # Get a word, to generate a future term
        key = remover_acentos(value[0].encode('utf-8'))
        # Check if this word term already exists in the final dict
        key = get_valid_glossary(key, final_dic)
        value = w.values()[0]
        # If we could not generate a new term, well we must compact the words that represents this term together
        if key in final_dic.keys():
            if not final_dic[key]:
                final_dic[key] = []
            final_dic[key] = []
        final_dic[key] += [({'palavra': value[0], 'freq': value[1]})]

    final_dic = sorted(final_dic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0].values()[1], reverse=True)
    # Generate a json file with all terms and words!
    with open('palavras.json', 'wb') as js:

In the code above im not doing the complex part mentioned above, im just returning the 4 first letters of a word and done, new term created. In next weeks i'll improve the script above making it more like a class base or ready to use app on heroku.